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SEO agency clients – Which industries started contracting SEO services when the pandemic struck?

SEO agency clients - Which industries started contracting SEO services when the pandemic struck?

In March of 2020, precisely one year ago, the World Health Organization officially declared that the world’s states are confronted by an unprecedented pandemic. This new virus’ spread took all of us by surprise, including small, average, or large enterprises. All businesses were threatened by the possibility of a new world economic crisis.

As a “preemptive strike”, a lot of online businesses quickly turned to new, more powerful, and more effective online marketing services in hope that this strategy will keep them afloat. SEO agency services were surely on that list, as SEO optimization is one of the most impactful digital marketing strategies of the present time.

Other business owners and managers chose to cut all budgets directed to marketing activities. The plan was to cut down on all the “unessential” business expenses. A business can only survive if it can cover the rent, utilities, and paychecks. Of course, things changed a lot after the lockdown measures were in place. The moment they faced these social restrictions, people adapted their routines and buying habits to fit the newly created needs. Inevitably, most people started using e-commerce platforms and services.

When this happened, all the existing brands – small, large, local, national, international – have realized that they need strong management and marketing in the online department to keep their (new) customers happy in this unexpected scenario. Thus, the businesses that were already collaborating with an SEO agency pressed the gas pedal on all the optimization strategies, and the other brands started looking for the best SEO agency to fit their needs. It can be tough to survive when you first enter the online race, but some companies enjoyed unexpected results from online marketing efforts.

According to Google Trends, February of 2020 registered massive search growth for multiple keywords and niches that were usually of no reference in the online field of activity. Thus, it is clear that most industries and businesses worked closely with an SEO agency to optimize their sites and step up the online marketing efforts in order to adapt their MO to the new market needs. Here are some of the industries and keywords that were targeted more than ever (and still are) after the Covid-19 pandemic started:
– Home appliances;
– Pharma and health (online drugstore, face masks, hand sanitizer);
– Sports and fitness (dumbells, barbell, ab bench, fitness bike, treadmill);
– Cleaning (surface disinfectant, mop);
– Personal care and grooming (soap, nail polish);
– Educational activities (online library, puzzles, board games).

“Today, the SEO optimization process involves powerful branding and communication strategies. In order to ensure real performance and profitable sales campaigns, any SEO agency must also use online marketing elements, and any marketing agency must also use SEO tactics”, say the specialists.

SEO optimization services are essential today, but even these tactics can be more efficient if they are supported by other advertising techniques and instruments: social media marketing campaigns, Pay-Per-Click and Google Ads campaigns, changes in the platform’s design, and multiple other efforts that can add up to a successful online marketing strategy.