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Delta-8-THC is a Minor Product Obtained from Herbs with Great Medicinal Properties

Delta-8-THC is a Minor Product Obtained from Herbs with Great Medicinal Properties

THC isn’t the only powerful compound in the cannabis plant. Delta-8-THC is one of the four common cannabinoids. It also has a similar psychoactive effect to the Delta-9-THC. However, there are differences between the two.

What is Delta-8-THC?

Delta-8-THC is equivalent to THC. It contains anxiolytic, appetite increasing, antiemetic, neuro-protective, and pain-relieving properties.  Cannabis plant contains 100 cannabinoids. We have major knowledge about cannabidiol and Delta-9-THC because they are the major components that have a key role in any product.

EMPE USA is an online retail store in the USA that offers premium organic CBD and Delta-8-THC contained compounds. All their hemp and CBD brands are grown and harvested and manufactured locally. Their quality team is always analyzing the product from the beginning till it doesn’t reach the shelves, ensuring premium quality and safety. The EMPE CBD is the purest form which is obtained from 100% original hemp.

Delta-8-THC occurs in the plant in a small concentration. It is a minor compound and is also known as the degraded form of THC. It is not directly produced through the synthesis in the cannabis plant. When THC is stored for a longer time, it reduces into Delta-8-THC. Manufacturers use breeding and molecular separation to produce a large quantity of Delta-8-THC.

Similarities and Differences between Delta-9-THC and Delta-8-THC

Delta-8-THC contains the bond on the 8th carbon chain and Delta-9-THC contains the bond on the 9th carbon chain. This means they have various similarities yet they are different due to the chemical bond. Delta-9-THC is less stale than Delta-8-THC because it can easily oxidize to convert into Delta-8-THC or Cannabinol. However, Delta-8-THC doesn’t oxidize and has a longer shelf life.

It is said that the THC component works better with other components rather than being in isolation form. Since the molecular composition of Delta-9-THC and Delta-8-THC is similar therefore it can be said that Delta-8-THC too is isolated doesn’t work that efficiently. It shows enhanced effects when combined with the whole cannabis plant medicine.

Medicinal Benefit of Delta-8-THC

Most Delta-8-THC products are isolated but for greater effect, they should be combined with Delta-9-THC or any other compound from the cannabis plant. Research on animals has shown a temporary increase in blood pressure which instantly dropped resulting in a slower heart rate.

Most research has been done on animals. Therefore it is imperative, as a human that you consult your doctor before consuming Delta-8-THC. Although it is a minor compound, some products contain a high percentage of Delta-8-THC.