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5 Essential Apps for Moving House

5 Essential Apps for Moving House

Moving to a new place like the Parktown Residences is a time-intensive task and you’ll need all the help you can get. Luckily, there are apps and tech breakthroughs that can make it easier. Here are five essential apps you’ll need when moving house.


Moving to a new house or condo involves a lot of moving parts, including packing, moving day, and administrative responsibilities. Calendar apps can take care of this, and you won’t even have to download a third-party app on your smartphone. As an added bonus, you can add an entry anytime since your smartphone is always with you.

Note Taking App

A note taking app is probably the second most important app you can use for moving from one place to another. Its function is to record important details, such as contact numbers, things to bring, things to take care of, etc. Like the calendar, it’s best to store them on your phone so you can look it up any time.


If you need to record a large amount of data instantly, then a camera is the best way to go. Instead of writing the details, you can take a snapshot and save it for later use.

Apple Maps/ Google Maps

Driving to a new house or location can lead to wasted time as you try and figure out where to go. Luckily, technology in your car or smartphone can point the shortest distance and even show you the way in a step-by-step process. Make sure to update your GPS before you head out.


ChatGPT can be your assistant throughout the move. It’s easy, and you can speak with it to get the answers you need. As an alternative, you can use your smartphone’s assistant, which include Siri or Google.